For most of us, Christmas is all about eating lots and lots of delicious, indulgent food and drink – turkey, pigs in blankets, mince pies, Baileys and a ton of chocolate. However, a lot of what we eat can be very dangerous for our pets, so it’s important we think about them during our celebrations too, as no one wants to be making an emergency trip to the vet on Christmas day and put your much-loved pets in danger.
Even foods that are deemed safe for our pets can give them poorly tummies if they eat too much, so it’s really important that we consider what extra treats we give them over Christmastime, or what they might get their paws on when we’re not looking!
More Than created this infographic to show us what is and what isn’t safe for our precious pets, and the particularly toxic ingredients to watch out for. Have a look so that you can make sure you keep your pets safe this Christmas.